

It’s the moment when the rubber meets the road: you have made the strategic choices, or refreshed your operating model, or set ambitious performance improvement targets. It is time for action, but regardless of the choices you’ve made, it all comes down to the critical question of how best to activate change? Frankly, what is the best way to “get stuff done”?

We see clients confront this dilemma almost every day. Our journey with clients encompasses hard-fought wins and painful mishaps, and through these experiences we have developed a structured and disciplined approach to Value Activation.


“Getting stuff done” is hard. It often means pulling against the inertia of an organization that has stalled. It requires a series of balancing acts: between an inspiring end-state and challenging targets; between central coordination and democratization of the change; between creativity and discipline; and between detailed planning and agile responses. It must also balance pressure for results with collaborative design for lasting capability and change.

Rosewood’s Value Activation approach is based on seven elements. Each element is important in its own right, but the greatest value is realized when they work in concert.

see how we keep clients at optimal performance