What do management teams do? They guide an enterprise to success. With that kind of responsibility, any distraction from fundamentals can create an unreasonable degree of risk.
That said, ‘black swan’ events — unexpected and tough to predict — can hit even the best-run enterprise. And when that happens, it demands dedicated thinking, even as everyday business must carry on. It makes little sense to maintain a SWAT team of specialists within the business to solve an urgent problem that might happen only once every 10 or 100 years.
We help senior leaders define and sort out big and difficult problems for as long as they’re an issue. For example, we help our clients:
Navigate extreme sea-changes in market dynamics
Negotiate complex agreements
Defend proposed mergers against regulatory action
Align incentives among different parties to a contract
Help to get troubled projects back on track
Improve major processes
Estimate the cost, and value, of very large programs
Develop cost and performance benchmarks of complex organizations
Gauge the strategic and operational risks of a proposed initiative
Assess the pros and cons of a joint venture or alliance
Verify required expenditures of a facility upgrade
Evaluate the present and future impact of disruptive technology
Auditable, defensible support for your company’s position
An information and negotiation advantage over competitors
A way forward based on evidence rather than opinion